Linear Algebra

Non-square Matrices

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...As transformations between dimensions.

Non-Square Matrices
A transformation can reasonably transform inputs into higher dimensions (for example, rotate 9090^\circ around the xx-axis) — this would be a nonsquare matrix! Here's an example of one that takes a 2d space and transforms it into a 3d space. Notice that the column space (the span of where the vectors land) has the same number of dimensions as the input space — so the transformation is a full rank transformation. A=[201121]A=\begin{bmatrix}2 & 0 \\ -1 & 1 \\ -2 & 1\end{bmatrix} This is a 3×23\times2 matrix, and the two columns show that there are 2 basis vectors mapped into three dimensions. A 2×32\times3 matrix transforms 3d space into a two-dimensional space, and so it is not full rank.