Linear Algebra

Rank, Nullity, and Dimension

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Row Rank
The row rank of a matrix is the dimension of the row space of the matrix. The row rank of a matrix is the maximum number of linearly independent rows in the matrix. Unsurprisingly, the row rank is denoted rowrank(A)rowrank(A).

Column Rank
The column rank of a matrix is the dimension of the column space of the matrix. The column rank of a matrix is the maximum number of linearly independent columns in the matrix. If you had to guess how the column rank is denoted, what would you say? colrank(A)colrank(A)? You're right!

If you didn't say colrank(A)colrank(A)...I don't know what to tell you.

The rank of a matrix is, interestingly, the same as the row rank and the column rank. There are a number of properties of the rank of a matrix:

  • The system Ax=bA\vec{x}=\vec{b} is consistent if and only if r(A)=r([Ab])r(A)=r(\begin{bmatrix}A \,| \,\, b\end{bmatrix}). This is clear because it means that the columns of AA with bb are linearly dependent, so bb can be expressed as a linear combination of AA's columns.
  • An n×nn\times n matrix AA is invertible if and only if r(A)=nr(A)=n (AA can be row-reduced to the identity matrix).
  • If we have an consistent nn-variable SLE Ax=bAx=b, then the solutions to the system are expressible in nr(A)n-r(A) unknowns (the number of zero rows after row-reducing).
  • If AB=IAB=I, then the rows of AA are linearly independent, and r(A)=nr(A)=n.
  • If AA is an n×nn\times n matrix such that r(A)=nr(A)=n, then there exists matrix CC such that CA=InCA=I_n.
  • A square matrix is invertible if and only if it can be transformed to an upper triangular matrix with all diagonal elements equal to 11 (no zero rows).
  • r(AB)min(r(A),r(B))r(AB)\leq \min(r(A), r(B)).

Column Space
Column space is the set of all possible outputs of AvA\cdot\vec{v}. This is just the span of the columns (the basis vectors)! For any p×np\times n matrix AA, colrank(A)=rowrank(A)colrank(A)=rowrank(A). This means that the rank is equal to the column rank and the row rank. We can find bases for the column space in one of three ways:

  1. By inspection.
  2. By transposing, row-reducing, and taking nonzero columns.
  3. By row-reducing (to RR) and taking pivotal columns in RR's corresponding columns in AA.

Row Space
The row space of a an m×nm\times n matrix AA is the span of the rows of AA each viewed as a matrix in Rn\mathbb{R}^n. The row rank of a matrix is the dimension of the row space. The two are denoted rowspace(A)rowspace(A) and rowrank(A)rowrank(A). The basis of the row space of a matrix in row-reduced form is the nonzero rows of that matrix, and the row rank is the number of nonzero rows. Even better: if a matrix BB is obtained from matrix AA by applying some elementary row operations, then rowspace(A)=rowspace(B)rowspace(A)=rowspace(B). Also, if BB has some LI columns, the corresponding columns in AA are LI.

Full Rank
Not a poker hand! Full rank is when the rank of a transformation is the same as the number of input dimensions (number of columns).

Finding a Basis for the...

  1. Row Space: Find the row-reduced form of the matrix. The basis is the set of nonzero rows.
  2. Image/Column Space: Find the row-reduced form of the transpose of the matrix. The basis is the set of nonzero rows.
  3. Kernel/Null Space: Find the row-reduced form of the matrix. The basis is the set of special solutions to the system Ax=0Ax=\textbf{0}. Here, row-reducing isn't actually necessary, but it's helpful to solve Ax=0Ax=\textbf{0}