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My portfolio website: a collection of my projects and blog posts, and a way for me to learn NextJS and Prisma.



This portfolio website lets me showcase who I am and what I work on. I made it primarily to learn NextJS and Prisma, but also got carried away with the design and features. I'm proud of the result, and I hope you like it too! I also use this website to write blog posts about my projects and experiences. Check out my blog or my open-source class notes!

p.s. it's print-friendly... don't ask, I don't know.


I got carried away. There are too many to list. I learned a lot by making them, and hopefully you'll enjoy them! The polish is in the detail: did you notice the random quote on the blog page? Or that it shows how many stars each project has on GitHub? Or that my blog has a search page? You'll have to explore to find them all!


This website taught me a lot — I didn't know anything at all about SSR before starting! Here are some of the technologies I used:

  • NextJS
  • Prisma
  • Tailwind CSS
  • PostgresSQL
  • Vercel
  • next-mdx-remote (check out the blog post I wrote that is barely related!)